
[Important] Filters v3

If you joined Holistics after Feb 8th 2020, please read this documentation for the new version of filters 3.0 instead Filters v3 Documentation

Filters help users to easily slice and dice the data to suit various analytical needs.

You can refer to our video guide on how to insert filters into your Holistics reports (note: the video is recorded with an earlier Holistics UI, but the logic remains the same).

How Filters work#

Holistics's filter is a dynamic filter that gives you more flexibility and better control of your queries. When running the report, the selected filter value will be inserted into the final query that is sent to the database:

How to use Filters#

##1. Create Filter Value In Reports editor view , create filters by clicking Add from the filters panel

Fill in the filter's information:

  • Filter type: Currently available types are: Date, Date Range, Dropdown, Text Input, List Input.
  • Variable name: This is inserted into your SQL as a "parameter".
  • Label: The display name that your end-users see.
  • Options: Specific options for each filter type.

##2. Add Filter to your SQL

To use filters in your report query, wrap it in double curly brackets: {{ variable_name }}:

##3. Save report

Related concepts#

Filter Template#

Filter Template is a set of predefined filter settings that can be used in multiple reports.

When you update a Filter Template's settings, all the filters based on that template will be updated accordingly.

Filter types#

Please go to each filter's page for more details on their settings and use cases.

Filter Permission#

Sometimes you need to share a report/dashboard to many groups/users, but each of them should only have access to a part of the report. For example:

  • Users in the Marketing group should only see data for marketing (Customer engagement, Conversion rates...).
  • Users in the Sales group should only see data for sales (Sales lead, Sales won...).
  • Users in the Director group can see data for both marketing and sales.
  • Users in the Investor group can only see marketing and sales in the last six months.

Permissions can be included in Text Input, Date and Dropdown filters. Please check the guide on how to use permission syntax here.