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This is part of our beta expression language AQL. Learn more. Request beta.


Apply metric function(s) to modify the original measure


eval(measure, metric_function)


  • measure: A define AQL measure
  • metric_function (repeated): A metric functions to modify the measure. E.g. with_relationships, exact_grains, etc.


A newly modifed measure


Let’s say you want to calculate the percentage of sales contributed by each country in your E-commerce business.

Percent of total

You will need to:

  • Sum the order values grouped by country
  • Divide the sum of each country by the total order value across all countries

Below is the formula for the percent_of_total measure that follow the logic above:

measure percent_of_total {
definition: @aql
sum(orders.order_value) / eval(sum(orders.order_value), exclude(

Technically, the eval() function will create a new aggregation context for the sum(orders.order_value) expression. This new context excludes dimension, which allows the sum to be calculated over all countries.

For more information about context modifiers, you can refer to the following docs:

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