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Measure syntax defines the measure of a data model. Measure represents an aggregated dimension in a model.


Parameter nameDescription
labelSpecifies how the measure will appear in the Ready-to-explore Dataset
typeSpecifies the data type you want to apply to the measure (currently Holistics only support number/date/datetime)
descriptionAdd measure description
hiddenHides measure from the Exploration interface of Dataset and Report
aggregation_typeSpecify aggregate function of Measure. Currently we only support: count, count distinct, sum, avg, max, min, median, stdev (sample standard deviation), stdevp (population standard deviation), var (sample variance), varp (population variance), custom (custom sql aggregation)
definitionDetermines how the measure will be defined or calculated based on SQL queries. Learn more about the definition parameter below. πŸ‘‡

SQL Definition of Measure​

Forms: There are two primary forms that definition for measures can take:

  1. Native Holistics Aggregation Type: Use aggregation type that Holistics natively supports such as sum, count, count_distinct, avg, etc.. For example:

    measure total_users {
    label: 'Total Users'
    type: 'number'
    // The definition here is the inner expression of the aggregation
    definition: @sql {{ user_id }};;
    aggregation_type: 'count'

    When used in an explore, this measure will be treated as COUNT({{ user_id }})

  2. Custom Aggregation Form (aggregation_type: 'custom' - this is the default when aggregation_type is not specified): The entire definition is used as the aggregation expression. This allows you to use aggregation functions from the source database that are not supported by Holistics (e.g. PERCENTILE_CONT from Redshift).

    measure percentile {
    label: 'percentile'
    type: 'number'
    // must be valid aggregation expression that can be run in
    // aggregation position of a query
    definition: @sql percentile_cont(0.6) within group (order by {{ profit }});;
    aggregation_type: 'custom'
    -- ...other group by columns
    COUNT(*) -- The definition of custom aggregation must be an expression
    -- that can be placed here
    FROM orders
    -- , ...other group by columns

    Additionally, you can write a custom measure with calculations between measures:

    measure profit {
    label: 'Profit'
    type: 'number'
    // must be valid aggregation expression that can be run in
    // aggregation position of a query
    definition: @sql {{ measure_revenue }} - {{ measure_cost }} + sum({{ dimension_discount }});;
    aggregation_type: 'custom'

    However, it's important to note that you cannot directly use dimensions without aggregation in a custom measure. For example:

    measure profit {
    label: 'Profit'
    type: 'number'
    // top level must be aggregated
    definition: @sql {{ measure_revenue }} - {{ measure_cost }} + {{ dimension_discount }};;
    aggregation_type: 'custom'


Model users {
type: 'table'
label: "Users"
description: "This is the AML Users Model"
table_name: '"ecommerce"."users"'
data_source_name: 'demodb'

measure total_users {
label: 'Total Users'
type: 'number'
definition: @sql count({{}});;
aggregation_type: 'custom'


How should I define aggregate functions for measures, and what are the important considerations?​

  • Choose between using aggregation_type parameter or using aggregation functions from the database within definition: @sql ;; parameter. It’s important to note that you should not define an aggregate function in both parameters.

    • If you define an aggregate function using the aggregation_type, the definition: @sql ;; parameter must not contain any aggregate functions.

      //What you should write:
      measure measure_1 {
      definition: @sql {{ user_id }};;
      aggregation_type: 'count'
      //What you should NOT write
      measure measure_1 {
      definition: @sql count{{ user_id }};;
      aggregation_type: 'count'
    • If you define the aggregate function within the definition: @sql ;; parameter, make sure to set the aggregation_type to custom.

      //What you should write:
      measure measure_2 {
      definition: @sql sum({{}});;
      aggregation_type: 'custom'

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