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AML Dataset

Knowledge Checkpoint

A grasp of these concepts will help you understand this documentation better:


Please note that the dataset file has the extension .dataset.aml. Its full name is dataset_name.dataset.aml.

(This feature is currently in active development. Please reach out if you want to become beta tester)

Dataset syntax definition

Dataset syntax defines the Dataset inside a project which will be then deployed to production as Ready-to-explore Dataset for end users to explore and get insights.

The syntax of Dataset includes 4 main components

  • Dataset metadata: dataset labels, descriptions, owners
  • Data Source reference: users' exploration activities will use this source
  • Data models included
  • Relationship

Parameter definition

Parameter nameDescription
importAdd other files to the current dataset file
datasetCreate Dataset
labelSpecifies how the dataset will appear in the Ready-to-explore Dataset
descriptionAdd dataset description
ownerDefine who should be in charge of managing the current dataset
data_source_nameSpecify the database that Holistics will execute the generated query against (in dataset)
relationshipsSpecify relationship and their configuration among added models
modelsSpecify which models will be used in the dataset
viewDefine how models and fields are displayed in Preview / Dataset Exploration

Dataset syntax example

// You don't need import statements in AML 2.0

Dataset demo_ecommerce {
label: '[Demo] Ecommerce (Official)'
description: "Official dataset for demoing E-commerce use cases test"
owner: "[email protected]"
data_source_name: 'demodb'

models: [
relationships: [
// define relationship between orders and users is many to one
relationship(ecommerce_cities_ecommerce_countries, true)

The output


Dataset view example

Holistics provides the capability to break down your datasets into smaller groups, curate specific fields and models, and present them using Dataset view

Dataset raw_ecommerce {
label: 'Raw Ecommerce'
description: "This Dataset is about Ecommerce data"
owner: '[email protected]'
data_source_name: 'demodb'

models: [users, orders]
relationships: [relationship(orders.user_id >, true)]

view {
model orders // Display all fields from model orders. Put model orders first

model users {
field first_name
field last_name
field full_name
field id
field sign_up_at
field acquisition_cohort
field number_of_orders

The output


Why is my AML Datasets only available in Preview, but not in Reporting Tab?


This page is applicable to AML 1.0 only. AML 2.0 deprecates the use of index.aml. For more information, refer to index.aml file.

See Your Dataset is able to be explored in Preview mode, but it is not available in Production for mor information.

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