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AML Examples


This page serves as a quick lookup for commonly used AML patterns.

Dataset File

Dataset raw_ecommerce {
label: 'Raw Ecommerce'
description: "This Dataset is about Ecommerce data"
owner: '[email protected]'
data_source_name: 'demodb'

models: [

relationships: [
// define relationship between orders and users is many to one
rel(rel_expr: orders.user_id >, active: true)

Model File

Table Model

Model users {
type: 'table'
label: "Users"
data_source_name: 'bigquery_dw'
table_name: 'users'

dimension id {
label: 'ID'
type: 'number'
hidden: false // optional
definition: @sql {{}};; // optional

dimension email {
label: 'Email'
type: 'number'
// without "definition", it automatically uses the same column name as the dimension name ('email')

measure user_count {
type: 'number'
label: 'Count Users'
definition: @sql count({{}});;

Query Model

Model location {
type: 'query'
label: 'Location'
data_source_name: 'demodb'
models: [cities, countries]

query: @sql
select {{ }} as city_id
, {{ }} as city_name
, {{ #co.code }} as country_code
, {{ }} as country_name
, {{ #co.continent_name }}
from {{ #cities as ci }}
left join {{ #countries as co }} on {{ #co.code }} = {{ #ci.country_code }};;

dimension city_id {
label: 'City Id'
type: 'number'

dimension city_name {
label: 'City Name'
type: 'text'

dimension country_code {
label: 'Country Code'
type: 'text'

dimension country_name {
label: 'Country Name'
type: 'text'

dimension continent_name {
label: 'Continent Name'
type: 'text'


measure total_orders {
label: 'Total Orders'
type: 'number'
definition: @sql {{ id }};;
aggregation_type: 'count'

measure total_users {
label: 'Total Users'
type: 'number'
definition: @sql count({{}});;
aggregation_type: 'custom'


// This is a simple dimension. Holistics automatically assume there is a `created_at` column in your
// underlying table
dimension created_at {
label: 'Created At'
type: 'datetime'

// This is a derived dimension based on the dimension above. A custom SQL is applied to extract the
// year part of the timestamp.
dimension created_at_year {
label: 'Created At Year'
type: 'number'
definition: @sql extract(year from{{ created_at }});;

// This is a simple dimension, with explicitly defined column name.
dimension status {
label: 'Status'
type: 'text'
// If you don't include this line, Holistics will automatically use the table's column that bear the
// same name with the dimension (i.e status).
definition: @sql {{ #SOURCE.status }};;

// This is a dimension which uses case-when syntax.
dimension age_group {
label: 'User Age Group'
description: "'Under 18', '18 - 22', '23 - 30', '31 - 40', 'Over 40'"
type: 'text'
hidden: false
definition: @sql
when {{ age }} < 18 then 'Under 18'
when {{ age }} >= 18 and {{ age }} < 23 then '18 - 22'
when {{ age }} >= 23 and {{ age }} < 31 then '23 - 30'
when {{ age }} >= 31 and {{ age }} < 41 then '31 - 40'
else 'Over 40'

// This is a dimension to extract month's name from the base dimension `created_at`.
dimension month_name {
label: 'Month Name'
type: 'text'
description: ''
definition: @sql
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM TO_DATE(TO_CHAR({{ order_created_at }}, 'Month'), 'Month')),
' - ',
TO_CHAR({{ order_created_at }}, 'Month')
hidden: false

Relationship File

Full-form Relationship

// Relationship full form defined in dataset file
RelationshipConfig {
rel: Relationship {
type: 'many_to_one'
from: ref('products','merchant_id')
to: ref('merchants','id')
active: true

// Relationship defined in model file
Relationship relationship_name {
type: 'many_to_one'
from: ref('orders', 'user_id')
to: ref('users', 'id')

Short-form Relationship

Many to One relationship

// Relationship short form defined in dataset file, relationship type > is many_to_one
rel(rel_expr: orders.user_id >, active: true)

One to One relationship

// Relationship short form defined in dataset file, relationship type - is one_to_one
rel(rel_expr: - accounts.user_id, active: true)

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