AQL Functions Overview
AQL functions are the main building blocks of an AQL expression. They transform an input into an output based on specified arguments. They are typically combined using the AQL pipe operator.
Here are the main function types of AQL:
Function Type | Purpose |
Table Functions | Transform an input table expression into an output table result |
Metric Functions | Transform an input metric expression into another metric expression |
Aggregation Functions | Group values of multiple rows into a single summary value. They are equivalent to aggregation functions that SQL supports (SUM, COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN,...). |
Logical Functions | Return value based on some logical conditions such as and, or, not, in, etc. |
Time Intelligence Functions | Process date/time value such as truncating a timestamp or extracting a subfield from a date or time value |
Null/Zero Handling Functions | Make working with null and zero values easier |
Miscellaneous Functions | Other functions that don't fit into the above categories |
Table Functions
Table functions transform an input table expression into an output table result.
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
select | select(table, field) | Selects the fields to be returned in the query result. |
group | group(table, field) | Groups the result set by the specified field(s). |
filter | filter(table, field) | Filters and return the results that satisfy the conditions |
unique | unique(table, field) | Returns the unique values of the specified field(s). |
Metric Functions
Metric functions transform an input metric expression into another metric expression.
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
where | where(measure, condition) | Apply condition(s) to original measure |
exclude, exclude_grains, of_all | exclude_grains(measure, model, dim) of_all(expression, model, dim) | Exclude dimension(s) from a measure calculation |
dimensionalize | dimensionalize(measure, model, dim) | Choose exact dimension(s) for this measure calculation |
with_relationships | with_relationships(measure, relationship) | Specifies what existing relationship(s) to used for this measure calculation |
exact_period | exact_period(measure, time_dimension, time_range) | Returns the same measure calculated in a custom period. |
relative_period | relative_period(measure, time_dimension, interval) | Returns the same measure calculated with shifting time |
running_total | running_total(measure, running_dimension) | Returns a running total measure |
rank | rank(order, partition) | Returns a rank measure |
period_to_date | period_to_date(measure, date_part, date_dimension) | Returns a cumulative period to date measure |
trailing_period | trailing_period(measure, date_dimension, periods) | Returns a trailing period measure |
Aggregation Functions
Aggregation functions group values of multiple rows into a single summary value. They are equivalent to aggregation functions that SQL supports (SUM, COUNT, AVG, MAX, MIN,...).
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
count | count(field) | Counts the total number of items in a group, not including NULL values |
count_if | count_if(condition) | Count total rows from one table that are satisfied the condition |
count_distinct | count_distinct(field) | Counts the total number of distinct items in a group, not including NULL values. |
average | average(field) | Averages the values of items in a group, not including NULL values. |
min | min(field) | Computes the item in the group with the smallest numeric value. |
max | max(field) | Computes the item in the group with the largest numeric value. |
sum | sum(field) | Sums the total number of items in a group, not including NULL values. |
median | median(field) | Computes the median of an expression, which is the value that the values in the expression are below 50% of the time. |
stdev | stdev(field) | Returns the standard deviation (sample) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the standard deviation (sample) of each list. |
stdevp | stdevp(field) | Returns the standard deviation (population) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the standard deviation (population) of each list. |
var | var(field) | Returns the variance (sample) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the variance (sample) of each list. |
varp | varp(field) | Returns the variance (population) of the column created by expression unless expression defines a column of lists, in which case returns the variance (population) of each list. |
Logical Functions
Logical Functions return value based on some logical conditions such as and, or, not, in, etc.
Except for case when
function, the rest of the logical functions are only available in Business Calculation due to legacy usage. Logical slice-and-dice can also be achieved by using AQL Operator
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
case when | case(when: condition, then: value, else: value) | goes through conditions and returns a value when the first condition is met (like an IF-THEN-ELSE statement). |
and | and(condition1, condition2, [,...]) | compares between two Booleans as expression and returns true when both expressions are true. |
or | or(condition1, condition2, [,...]) | compares two Booleans as expression and returns true when one of the expressions is true. |
not | not(field) | takes a single Boolean as an argument and invert it. |
is | is(field) | evaluates the given statement and returns either True or False. |
in | in(field, value1, value2, [,...]) | takes a field expression and a list of values. Return true if that list of values contains the value of that field expression. |
Time Intelligence Functions
Time intelligence functions process date/time value such as truncating a timestamp or extracting a subfield from a date or time value.
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
epoch | epoch(date); epoch(datetime) | Returns a Unix timestamp which is the number of seconds that have elapsed since ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’ UTC |
date_trunc | date_trunc(datetime, datetime_part) | Truncate a datetime to the granularity of datetime_part |
day | day() | Truncate a datetime to the day granularity |
month | month() | Truncate a datetime to the month granularity |
year | year() | Truncate a datetime to the year granularity |
quarter | quarter() | Truncate a datetime to the quarter granularity |
week | week() | Truncate a datetime to the week granularity |
hour | hour() | Truncate a datetime to the hour granularity |
minute | minute() | Truncate a datetime to the minute granularity |
Null/Zero Handling Functions
Null/Zero handling functions make working with null and zero values easier.
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
coalesce | coalesce(value1, value2, [,...]) | returns the first non-null value in a list |
nullif | nullif(expr1, expr2) | returns NULL if two expressions are equal, otherwise, it returns the first expression. |
safe_divide | safe_divide(value1, value2) | Equivalent to the division granulity operator (X / Y), but returns NULL if an error occurs, such as a division by zero error. |
Miscellaneous Functions
Other functions that don't fit into the above categories.
Function | Syntax | Purpose |
cast | cast(value, type) | Converts a value to a specified data type. |
concat | concat(value1, value2, [,...]) | Concatenates two or more strings. |
is_at_level | is_at_level(dimension) | Returns true if the LoD context contains the specified dimension. |