AQL Error Reference
This is one of three documents aimed at helping answer common questions about AQL:
- Troubleshooting
- AQL Error Reference (this doc)
This page contains explanations for common errors from AQL to help you quickly debug and resolve issues.
ERR-0: Unexpected internal error
Description: An unexpected internal error occurred in the AQL parser that wasn't anticipated by the system.
Solution: Contact [email protected] with details about what you were doing when the error occurred.
ERR-1: Syntax error
Description: Your AQL query contains a syntax error that violates the grammar rules of the language.
Common Causes:
- Using
instead of==
for equality comparison - Using
instead of!=
for inequality comparison - Missing quotes around string literals
- Unclosed parentheses or brackets
Syntax error.
> 1 | = 4000
| ^
Expected one of the following:
'!=', '*', '+', '-', '/', '//', ';', '<', '<=', '==', '>', '>='
Solution: Check the position indicated by the arrow (^) and replace the incorrect syntax with one of the suggested alternatives.
ERR-100: Invalid expression
Description: This is a general error for issues that haven't been classified with a specific error code yet.
Solution: Review the specific error message provided, which should give context about the problem. If you can't resolve the issue, contact [email protected] so we can improve our documentation.
ERR-101: Relationship not found
Description: Your query is trying to use fields from unrelated models (models that have no relationships defined between them).
users | select(
- Ensure that a relationship between the models exists in your dataset
- Review the Relationship documentation to learn how to define relationships
ERR-102: Model not found
Description: The model you're referencing in your query doesn't exist in the dataset.
Common Causes:
- The model hasn't been added to the dataset you're using
- You're using a cross-model field in Model Preview instead of Dataset Preview
- There's a typo in the model name
- Check if the model exists in your dataset and add it if needed
- Switch to Dataset Preview when working with cross-model fields
- Verify the spelling of model names in your query
ERR-103: Field not found in model
Description: The field you're trying to access doesn't exist in the specified model.
Common Causes:
- Typo in the field name
- The field exists in a different model
- The field hasn't been defined yet
- Check for typos in field names
- Verify that you're referencing the correct model
- Make sure the field is defined in the model
ERR-104: Fanout detected
Description: This error occurs when you're trying to access a "many" model from a model on the "one" side of a relationship.
orders | select(orders_items.quantity)
This also applies when accessing other models in the definition of a dimension:
Model orders {
dimension item_quantity {
definition: @aql order_items.quantity ;;
- Change the source table that you're starting from (by changing the source or where the dimension is defined)
- Apply an aggregation on the column:
- For metrics:
orders | group( | select(sum(orders_items.quantity))
- For dimensions:
Model orders {
dimension item_quantity {
definition: @aql dimensionalize(sum(order_items.quantity), ;;
} - For metrics:
- In some cases, both tables are on the "many" side with a "one" table in the middle. You can use unique to obtain a table with the cartesian product of the relevant fields:
// users have many wishlist_products, and many (bought) products
unique(wishlist_products.price, products.price)
| select(wishlist_products.price - products.price)
| avg() // average delta of wishlist and actual buy
ERR-105: Model in aql field not found
Description: Same as ERR-103 - the model referenced in an AQL field cannot be found.
ERR-106: Relationship path not found
Description: Same as ERR-101 - the relationship path between models cannot be found.
ERR-200: Invalid function argument count
Description: The function was called with an incorrect number of arguments.
div called as div(4)
instead of div(4, 2)
- Check the function documentation to see how many arguments it requires
- Make sure you're providing all required arguments
ERR-201: Invalid argument type
Description: Same as ERR-240 - the type of argument provided to a function is not compatible with what the function expects.
ERR-202: Unknown identifier
Description: The model, field, or metric referenced in the query does not exist in the current scope. This can also be due to the same error as ERR-102.
users | select(one: 1) | select(two) // <-- this does not exist
- Check for typos in identifiers
- Ensure the referenced item is defined and accessible in the current scope
- Verify that all required models are included in your dataset
ERR-203: Unsupported operator for type
Description: The operator being used is not supported for the data type it's being applied to.
// error
users.last_name + " " + users.first_name
// while this is fine
concat(users.last_name, " ", users.first_name)
Solution: Check the table of supported operators for the type you're using, such as Text Operators.
ERR-204: Type mismatch
Description: AQL expected a specific data type in this position but found a different one instead.
// This will error + ''
// ^
// Expected `Number`, found `Text`. (ERR-204)
Solution: Use the correct type of value for the operation.
ERR-205: Invalid named expression
Description: You tried to name an expression that cannot be used as a field.
users | select(abc: relationship( - users.age, true, 'two_way')) | count()
// ^
// Named expression expects a field or scalar value, found `unknown` (ERR-205)
Solution: Only use named expressions for fields or scalar values.
ERR-206: Non-scalar value found
Description: AQL expected a scalar-like value (number, text, array of text, etc.) but found a different type.
Solution: Similar to ERR-205, make sure you're using scalar values where required.
ERR-209: Dimensionalize not allowed here
Description: You tried to use dimensionalize()
inside a metric definition instead of a dimension definition, or nested inside another dimensionalize()
Example 1:
metric item_quantity {
definition: @aql dimensionalize(sum(order_items.quantity), ;;
Example 2:
dimension item_quantity {
definition: @aql dimensionalize(
) ;;
- For the first case, move the definition to a dimension instead of a metric
- For the second case, break the nested dimensionalize into separate dimensions
ERR-210: Cannot reference aql field from sql
Description: You tried to use an AQL field from an SQL field.
dimension value {
definition: @aql products.price * order_items.quantity ;;
dimension value_discounted {
definition: @sql {{ value }} * {{ discount }} ;;
Solution: Change the SQL field to an AQL field.
ERR-211: Right side of pipe must be a function
Description: Usually due to pipe precedence issues.
users | count( / 2
AQL interprets this as piping users to a division of 2 numbers:
users | (count( / 2)
Solution: Use parentheses to clarify precedence or use the non-pipe form:
// Correct with parentheses
(users | count( / 2
// Correct without pipe
count(users, / 2
ERR-213: Member not found in module
Description: You referenced a non-existent member of an AML module.
Solution: Double-check if the referenced member actually exists in the module. See AML Module for more information.
ERR-215: User attribute not found
Description: The user attribute referenced in the query does not exist.
H.current_user.not_exists + 300
Solution: Remove the reference or create the missing user attribute. See User attribute for more information.
ERR-216: Multiple values in user attribute
Description: A user attribute with multiple values is being used in a context that requires a single value.
// H.current_user.groups is set to ['Admin', 'BU', 'DA'] == H.current_user.groups
Solution: Use operators that work with multiple values:
// H.current_user.groups is set to ['Admin', 'BU', 'DA'] in H.current_user.groups
ERR-220: Unsupported behavior
Description: Behaviors that cannot be expressed in all supported SQL dialects, and thus AQL cannot support them correctly.
- Selecting an interval:
users | select(_interval: interval(1 month))
- Adding/subtracting intervals:
(interval(1 month) + interval(2 day))
- Note that
users.created_at + interval(1 month) + interval(2 day)
is fine because it's evaluated left to right without adding intervals directly together
- Note that
When encountering these errors, you may need to fall back to @sql
to use database-specific functions.
ERR-225: Row expression must contain only dimension
Description: You included a measure in a row expression for comparison.
users | where({, count_orders} in /* some table */)
Solution: Remove the measure from the row expression and filter it in a separate step with filter.
ERR-226: Invalid row column subset
Description: The target table does not contain the field you want to filter.
| where({} in users | select(users.first_name, users.last_name))
Add the missing field to the target of in
or make sure the row and the target table have matching fields:
| where({} in orders | select(orders.user_id)) // this is fine
ERR-227: Cannot match row with table literal
Description: You tried to match a multi-column row with a simple array.
| where({,} in [1, 2, 3])
Solution: Remove other columns and keep only one column to match with the array.
ERR-229: Field already declared
Description: A field with the same name has already been declared in modeling or ad-hoc.
Solution: Use a different name for the column.
ERR-232: Invalid window frame
Description: When passing a range to a window function, the frame must be valid and cannot go backward.
window_avg(count(, 5..-1, order: users.created_at | month())
// ^
// Invalid window frame.
Solution: Use a valid window frame range.
ERR-233: Cyclic field dependency
Description: A cyclic dependency was detected in field definitions, which would lead to infinite recursion.
dimension field_a {
definition: @aql field_b ;;
dimension field_b {
definition: @aql field_c ;;
dimension field_c {
definition: @aql field_a ;;
Cyclic dependency: field_a -> field_b -> field_c -> field_a
Solution: Break the cycle in the field definitions.
ERR-234: Invalid shorthand aggregation
Aggregation functions in AQL normally need a table as their first argument and an expression as the second:
To make your code less verbose, AQL offers a shorthand form that automatically infers the table from the expression:
// -> AQL infers this to be count(users,
sum(order_items.quantity * 2)
// -> AQL infers this to be sum(order_items, order_items.quantity * 2)
sum(products.price *
// -> AQL infers this to be sum(products, products.price *
Here's the catch: this shorthand only works when all fields in the expression come from the same model. You'll get this error when trying to mix fields from different models:
sum(products.price * order_items.amount)
The fix is straightforward – explicitly provide the table as the first argument:
sum(order_items, products.price * order_items.amount)
ERR-235: Unsupported date unit
Description: You tried to use an incorrect unit for a date function.
date_part('minute', users.created_date)
date_part('unix_time', users.created_date)
Solution: Consult the documentation for datetime functions to use the correct units.
ERR-236: Invalid conditional expression
Description: Conditions must follow specific forms to be valid in AQL.
Valid Simple Conditions:
dimension operator value
:orders.status == 'delivered'
orders.created_at matches @(last 7 days)dimension in [value1, value2, ...]
:orders.status in ['delivered', 'cancelled']
- and/or between simple conditions:
orders.status in ['delivered', 'cancelled'] and
orders.created_at matches @(last 7 days)
Valid Complex Conditions:
dimension in table
:orders.status in unique(orders.status)
| where(orders.status != 'delivered')table
:top(5,, by: value)
dimension operator measure
:users.age > avg(users.age)
Common Invalid Cases:
- Condition between two fields:
users.created_day == users.activated_day
- Condition using a function on a dimension:
rank(users.created_day) == 2
Create a dimension for complex expressions:
dimension is_same_day_activation {
definition: @aql users.created_day == users.activated_day ;;
}Then use the new dimension:
count_users | where(users.is_same_day_activation is true)
dimension in table
:count_users | where( in
users | filter(users.created_day == users.activated_day) | select(
)Copy definition of the original metric with
| filter(users.created_day == users.activated_day)
| count(
ERR-237: Unknown function
Description: The function being called does not exist.
Solution: Check for typos and refer to the function cheatsheet for all available functions.
ERR-238: Cannot match row with table
Description: Similar to ERR-227, but with real tables instead of table literals.
| where({} in users | select(
Solution: Use matching column types or cast the right side.
ERR-239: Duplicate field name
Description: There are two fields with the same name in the table.
| select(one_field: 1, one_field: 1)
Solution: Use different names for fields.
ERR-240: Function expected other type of arguments
Description: The function expects arguments of one type but received another type.
Solution: Update the input to match the expected type or use a different function.
ERR-241: Nested window function not allowed
Description: Window functions cannot be nested inside other window functions.
window_sum(rank(order: order_items.quantity), ..)
Solution: Unnest the window functions by moving the inner window function to a dimension, then use that instead of nesting.
ERR-243: Field is neither group nor aggregated
To understand this error, you first need to understand how dimensions and metrics work in AQL:
- Dimensions are used for grouping data
- Metrics are aggregation expressions that get sliced by those groupings
But, it's a perfectly valid use case to put reference to dimension inside a metric definition.
explore {
dimensions {, // <---This-----------------------------------------+
} // ` +
// `
// |
measures { // |
discounted_value: total_value * // <- this is referencing this
The error happens when you remove
from the dimensions in the exploration. Since the data isn't grouped by
anymore, you can't reference it directly in a metric.
This is not unique to AQL, as you can see the same error in SQL.

To fix this issue, consider what you're really trying to do:
If you're only referencing dimension fields, create a dedicated dimension in an appropriate model instead:
If you're mixing metrics and dimensions, wrap any dimension references in an aggregation function that makes sense for your data:
total_value * max(
This way, your field will work regardless of which dimensions are active in the explore.
Alternatively, if you expect the dimension to always be active anyway, you can add it back and just visually hide it in the UI.
ERR-244: Invalid table condition
This error occurs with table conditions (which take the form dimension in table
). These conditions only work when AQL can clearly determine which fields the table contains at runtime.
For example, at first glance this looks correct: in users
But here's the issue: models in AQL can contain fields from related models as well, so it's not clear which fields should be used for the comparison. AQL can't determine exactly what you're trying to match against.
To fix this, always use select
to explicitly specify which fields should be used for comparison: in users | select(
ERR-245: Invalid datetime format
Description: The datetime literal syntax isn't recognized by the natural language parser.
Solution: Check the documentation for Natural Time Expression for supported syntax.
WARN-300: Should follow group with select or filter
Description: This warning occurs when an aggregate function directly follows a group()
function without using select()
or filter()
in between.
While you might expect table | group(dimension) | aggregate_function()
to return grouped results, this pattern isn't valid in AQL.
Why This Happens: Aggregate functions (like count()
, sum()
, etc.) return single scalar values, not grouped tables.
To maintain the grouping structure while performing aggregations, you must use select()
or filter()
to properly apply the aggregation within the grouped context.
Consider if grouping is necessary: Metrics in AQL are automatically sliced by dimensions introduced from explore/visualize without explicit grouping. You typically only need manual grouping for nested aggregations.
If you really need nested aggregation, you can write:
This works but may trigger the lint warningusers | group( | avg(count(
More readable alternative that avoids the warningusers | group( | select(count( | avg()
with your aggregations❌ Incorrect usageusers | group( | count(
✅ Correct with select()users | group( | select(count(
✅ Correct with named columnsusers | group( | select(order_count: count(
✅ Correct with filter()users | group( | filter(count( > 5)
Key Takeaway
Always follow group()
operations with either select()
or filter()
when performing aggregations to maintain the proper grouped table structure.