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Miscellaneous Functions


cast(value, type)
cast('2021-01-01', 'date') // -> 2021-01-01
cast('2000.4', 'number') // -> 2000.4
cast('2000', 'int') // -> 2000


  • value: The value to be casted

  • type: Specifies the data type to cast to. Supported types include:

    • date
    • datetime
    • number
    • text
    • truefalse
    • int or integer (special cases of the number type)

    Note: The int and integer types are treated as number but will be cast to the integer type of the underlying database. Use int or integer when you need to ensure the value is an integer, especially for functions that require integer input (e.g., mod).


The value casted to the specified type.


concat(value1, value2, ...)
concat('Hello', ' ', 'World') // -> Hello World
concat('Hello', ' ', 'World', '!') // -> Hello World!


This function concatenates multiple strings into a single string.

Return type



explore {
dimensions {

measures {
_email_active: is_at_level(, // -> true
_name_active: is_at_level(, // -> false
_nested_agg: unique( | select(
when: is_at_level( // -> true
, then: count(
, else: 0
) | avg()


This function returns true if the specified dimension is active in the Level of Detail (LoD) context, otherwise it returns false.

Return type


Sample Usages

The is_at_level function is used to conditionally modify the behavior of a measure based on the active dimensions in the Level of Detail (LoD) context. This function is typically paired with the case function to address scenarios such as calculating the Percent of Parent (Subtotal).

Example: Calculating Percentage Contributions in a Pivot Table

Imagine you have a Pivot Table with three hierarchical levels: Continent, Country, and City. You want to calculate the percentage of sales contribution at each level:

  • City to Country
  • Country to Continent
  • Continent to Grand Total

To achieve this, the is_at_level function can identify the active dimension in the LoD context, allowing you to compute the correct percentage.

Here's how you can implement this logic:

when: is_at_level(
, then: sum(sales.amount) / (sum(sales.amount) | of_all(

, when: is_at_level(
, then: sum(sales.amount) / (sum(sales.amount) | of_all(

, when: is_at_level(countries.continent)
, then: sum(sales.amount) / (sum(sales.amount) | of_all(countries.continent))

, else: 1


  • is_at_level( Checks if the current dimension level is City. If true, the calculation returns the percentage of sales for each city relative to the total sales of all cities. Since of_all is only applied to, this will be all cities within the same country.

  • is_at_level( Checks if the current dimension level is Country. If true, the calculation returns the percentage of sales for each country relative to the total sales of all countries within the same continent. Note that we don't need to include in the of_all function because if it's active, it would've been caught by the first condition.

  • is_at_level(countries.continent): Checks if the current dimension level is Continent. If true, the calculation returns the percentage of sales for each continent relative to the total sales of all continents.

  • else: If none of the conditions are met, it simply returns 1. This is useful for the Grand Total row, where we don't need to calculate the percentage.

This approach allows you to dynamically adjust the measure based on the active dimension, ensuring accurate percentage calculations across different hierarchical levels.

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