Holistics has also supported Period Comparison on UI via Dashboard-level Period Comparison and widget-level Period Comparison which use exact_period()
and relative_period()
behind the scenes.
Calculates a metric in the active time-range shifted by a specified interval. The active time-range can be the time range specified in a filter (if no time dimension is active) or the time period in each row of a time dimension.
relative_period(metric, time_dimension, time_interval)
relative_period(orders.total_orders, orders.created_at, interval(-1 month))
// with pipe
orders.total_orders | relative_period(orders.created_at, interval(-1 month))
: A metric that you want to calculate within a relative intervaltime_dimension
: A pre-defined datetime/date dimension that is used for shiftingtime_interval
: A relative interval for shifting from the time condition. E.g.interval(-1 month)
The same metric calculated in the active time-range shifted by the specified interval.
Combine with dimension
Categorical dimension
When combining with categorical dimension with no filtering on the time dimension, relative_period()
will have no effect on the metric.

Categorical dimension with filtering on time dimension
When combining with categorical dimension with filtering on the time dimension, relative_period()
will shift the time condition by the specified interval in time_interval

Time dimension
Similar to Dashboard previous period comparison, when combining with another time dimension, relative_period()
, will shift the time period in each row of the time dimension by the specified interval in time_interval

Sample Usages
We’ll implement a quick Period Comparison analysis on the total_orders
metric which is defined as below
Dataset ecommerce {
metric total_orders {
label: "Total Orders"
type: "number"
definition: @aql count( ;;
And then define total_orders_last_month
as this expression:
count( | relative_period(orders.created_at, interval(-1 month))
For all the examples below, the filter on reporting is set as orders.created_at last 1 month

Compare total_orders
from with the preceding month

Compare total_orders
week-by-week with the previous month

Compare total_orders
with the previous month for each continent