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General Settings (Embedded Analytics)

General Settings (Embedded Analytics)

To set up general settings for your Embedded Analytics, refer to the following:

Export Data in Embedded Dashboard

Our embedded analytics now allow option for controlling data export within dashboards.

To restrict user access to data downloads, set enable_export_data to false.

settings = {
enable_export_data: false,

Hide your Filter (Control)/Header Panel

Customize your embedded dashboards by hiding the filter (control) or header panel:

settings = {
"hide_header_panel": true/false,
"hide_control_panel": true/false,

Full Code

Please refer to the full code example below to see where to add that configuration

# Example code below uses JWT for encoding
# Execute 'gem install jwt' (or add gem 'jwt' to your GemFile) to install it first

embed_code = 'your_embed_code'
secret_key = 'your_secret_key'

# Will expire after 1 day, change it to the value you want.
expired_time = + 24 * 60 * 60

settings = {
# To restrict user access to data downloads
"enable_export_data": false/true

# To hide header/control panel
"hide_header_panel": true/false,
"hide_control_panel": true/false,

permissions = {
"row_based": [
# permission rules go here

filters = {
# filter display settings go here

drillthroughs = {
# drill through settings go here

# Add all above settings to the payload
payload = {
settings: settings,
permissions: permissions,
filters: filters,
drillthroughs: drillthroughs,
exp: expired_time,

# Generate Embed Token
token = JWT.encode(payload, secret_key, 'HS256')

After done setting up Filter Display, you can continue with other setups to embed the dashboard into your application. For more information, please refer to this doc

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