Visualization is the representation of your raw data in graphical form. Please visit the following pages to find out more about our supported visualizations in Holistics.
Types of Visualizations
Single Value, KPI, and Metrics
Line, Bar, and other charts
- Line Chart
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Column Chart
- Combination Chart
- Pie Chart & Donut Chart
- Scatter Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Pyramid Chart & Funnel Chart
- Radar Chart
- Word Cloud
Custom Charts
Operations with Visualizations
By default, Holistics displays your report data in a table. While this gives you a full view of your query result, sometimes interesting patterns only show themselves when you give them shapes and colors.

Enforce a custom order for your Visualization's legends

By default, Holistics would sort the legends in your Visualizations alphabetically. Consider this workaround from the Holistics Community to override this behavior.
Error: Too many columns, not showing all data
This error happens when you add a field (which contains more than 100 values) to the Column Field (of Pivot Table) or Legend Field (of other charts) in the Viz Setting.

Currently, we only support showing a maximum of 100 columns. If the field has more than 100 values, Holistics will visualize a preview of the first 100 columns. It is recommended that you use a column with low cardinality in the Column field or Legend field to reduce visual clutter, which will improve the readability of your chart.