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AQL Cheatsheet - Operators

Text Operators


A text value, represented as a string of characters. The "text" type can include any characters, including letters, numbers, symbols, and whitespace.


Operator, Condition


== ; is

Equal to

Check if product name is Dandelion == 'Dandelion' is 'Dandelion'

!= ; is not

Not equal to

Check if product name is not Rock != 'Rock' is not 'Rock'


Match the pattern specified

Check if product name ends with Dan like '%Dan'

not like

Not match the pattern specified

Check if product name does not end with Dan not like '%Dan'


Match the pattern specified, case insensitive

Check if product name ends with dan, case insensitive ilike '%dan'

not ilike

Match the pattern specified, case insensitive

Check if product name does not end with dan, case insensitive not ilike '%dan'

is null

Include if the value is null

Check if product name is null is null

is not null

Include if the value is not null

Check if product name is not null is not null

Learn more

Text Operators (AQL Doc)

List Operators


Check if the field value is in the list.


Operator, Condition



Include if the value is in the list

Check if product name is in the list in ['Dandelion', 'Rock']

not in

Include if the value is not in the list

Check if product name is not in the list not in ['Dandelion', 'Rock']

Learn more

List Operators (AQL Doc)

Truefalse Operators


A boolean value, represented as either "true" or "false". This is commonly used to represent logical values. For example, it can be used to represent the result of a comparison, the status of a switch, or the answer to a yes/no question.


Operator, Condition



Equal to

Check if an order is paid
orders.is_paid is true

is not

Not equal to

Check if an order is not paid
orders.is_paid is not true

is null

Include if null

Check if the order payment status is unknown
orders.is_paid is null

is not null

Include if not null

Check if the order payment status is known
orders.is_paid is not null

Learn more

Truefalse Operators (AQL Doc)

Number Operators


A numeric value, represented as an numeric, integer, float, or double. It can be used as dimension or measure type. The number type can include positive and negative values, as well as decimal points.


Operator, Condition


== ; is

Equal to

Check if an order item discount is 50% == 0.5 is 0.5

!= ; is not

Not equal to

Check if an order item discount is not 100% != 1 is not 1


Greater than

Check if an order item discount is greater than 50% > 0.5


Greater than or equal to

Check if an order item discount is at least 50% >= 0.5


Less than

Check if an order item discount is less than 50% < 0.5


Less than or equal to

Check if an order item discount is at most 50% <= 0.5

is null

Include if null

Check if an order item discount is unknown is null

is not null

Include if not null

Check if an order item discount is known is not null


Add two numeric values

Add product cost and profit
products.cost + products.profit


Subtract two numeric values

Subtract product cost from revenue
products.revenue - products.cost


Multiply two numeric values

Multiply order quantity and product price
orders.quantity * products.price


Divide two numeric values

Divide product profit by product cost
products.profit / products.cost

Learn more

Number Operators (AQL Doc)

Datetime Operators


Right hand side of datetime operator takes a datetime scalar type as input and always starts with @ token. Datetimes can be expressed in a fully supported format as @YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, in shorter variations like @YYYY-MM, or a relative datetime (relative to the current real world time) like @(last 7 days).


Operator, Condition



Include data that equal to an absolute timestamp

Check if an order is created at 2022-01-01 00:00:00
orders.created_at == @2022
Check if an order is created at the first timestamp of the last 7 days
orders.created_at == @(last 7 days)

is ; match ; matches

Include data that are in a time period

Check if an order is created in the period of the year 2022
orders.created_at is @2022
Check if an order is created in the period of the last 7 days
orders.created_at match @(last 7 days)


Include data that do not equal to an absolute timestamp

Check if an order is not created at 2022-01-01 00:00:00
orders.created_at != @2022-01

is not

Include data that are not in a time period

Check if an order is not created in the period of 2022-01
orders.created_at is not @2022-01


Include data that are before a specific time period

Check if an order is created before the period of the year 2022
orders.created_at < @2022


Include data that are before or in a specific time period

Check if an order is created before or in the period of the year 2022
orders.created_at <= @2022


Include data that are after a specific time period

Check if an order is created after yesterday
orders.created_at > @(yesterday)


Include data that are after or in a specific time period

Check if an order is created after or on yesterday
orders.created_at >= @(yesterday)

is null

Include if the value is null

Check if an order creation day is unknown
orders.created_at is null

is not null

Include if the value is not null

Check if an order creation day is known
orders.created_at is not null


Add an interval to a datetime

Add 3 months to the creation day
orders.created_at + interval(3 months)
Substract 1 month to the creation day
orders.created_at + interval(-1 month)


Subtract an interval to a datetime

Subtract 3 months to the creation day
orders.created_at - interval(3 months)
Add 1 month to the creation day
orders.created_at - interval(-1 month)

Learn more

Datetime Operators (AQL Doc)

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