Number Format
To apply Number Format for your dimension/measure, ensure its type
is number
Overview of Number Format
To format your number fields, add a format property with a string pattern representing your chosen format.
dimension formatted_price {
label: "Formatted Price"
type: "number"
format: "#,###[$$]"

Shorthand Syntax vs. Full Syntax
Normally, you would use the shorthand version, which is represented as a string pattern under the format
field. However, if you want more control over your formats, consider using the full syntax instead as it offers additional options to choose from.
Shorthand format example
dimension price {
label: "price"
type: "number"
description: "This dimension is using the shorthand format syntax"
format: "[$$]#,###"
Full format example
dimension price {
label: "price"
type: "number"
description: "This dimension is using the full number format syntax"
format: FullNumberFormat {
pattern: '[$$]#,###0.00,,"\M"'
// There are more options to choose from!
groupSeparator: " "
decimalSeparator: "."
Order for Number Format
The number format follows the order below.

Available Number Format options
currency (optional)
abbreviation/currency cannot be used with percentage.
[$<currency code>]
The currency notation must be wrapped in [$<insert_your_currency_here>].
The currency notation can only be placed in one of these places:
- At the beginning of the string pattern.
- At the end of the string pattern.
Currently, we only support these currency types:
'$' //'($) US Dollar / MEX Peso'
'€' //'(€) Euro'
'¥' //'(¥) Yen'
'£' //'(£) Pound'
'元' //'(元) Renminbi'
'₺' //'(₺) Lira'
'₩' //'(₩) Won'
'₽' //'(₽) RUS Ruble'
'₹' //'(₹ ) IND Rupee'
'₨' //'(₨) PAK Rupee'
'₱' //'(₱) PHL Peso'
'A$' //'(A$) AUS Dollar'
'C$' //'(C$) CAN Dollar'
'S$' //'(S$) SGP Dollar'
'NZ$' //'(NZ$) NZ Dollar'
'HK$' //'(HK$) HK Dollar'
'₪' //'(₪) Shekel'
'R$' //'(R$) Real'
'฿' //'(฿ )) Thai Baht'
'R' //'(R) South African Rand'
'Fr' //'(Fr) Franc'
'kr' //'(kr) Krona / Krone'
'Ft' //'(Ft) Forint'
'Rp' //'(Rp) Rupiah'
'RM' //'(RM) Ringgit'
'VND' //'(VND) VN Dong'
'Tk' //'(Tk) BGD Taka'
Raw Value | Number Pattern | Displayed as |
54 | [$$]#,### | $54 |
1236 | #,###[$€] | 1,236€ |
group separator for integer values (optional)
Holistics will automatically apply thousands separator for integers whether you specify this option or not.
- Use this pattern to specify a group separator for your integer values. Currently, we only support thousands separator.
- The default separator is a comma (
). To specify another separator, refer to Full Format: Custom Group Separator.
Raw Value | Number Pattern | Displayed as |
586347 | #,### | 586,347 |
1234 | #,### | 1,234 |
23431 | #,### | 23,431 |
fraction (optional)
0.0 (add more 0 if more decimal places are needed)
- Specify how many numbers should be included in the fraction format.
- The default separator is a dot(
). To specify another separator, refer to Full Format: Custom Decimal Separator.
Raw Value | Number Pattern | Displayed as |
123456789.0123 | 0.00 | 123456789.01 |
percentage (optional)
abbreviation/currency cannot be used with percentage.
% or \\%
converts a number to percentage format by multiplying the original value by 100.\\%
converts a number to percentage format without modifying the original value. Example:
Raw Value | Number Pattern | Displayed as |
12.3456 | #,###0.0% | 1,234.6% |
#,###0.0\% | 12.4% |
abbreviation (optional)
abbreviation/currency cannot be used with percentage.
,"K" or ,,"M" or ,,,"B"
- If your string pattern is wrapped in single quotes (’ ‘), you will not need to to wrap your abbreviation with escape characters(
\ \
). For example, this is a valid pattern:format: '<other_format_part>,"K"'
- If your string pattern is wrapped in double quotes (” “), you will have to wrap your abbreviation with escape characters(
\ \
). For example, this is a valid pattern:format: "<other_format_part>,\"K"\"
- Abbreviate long numeric value:
for thousand,,"M"
for million,,,"B"
for billion
Raw Value | Number Pattern | Displayed as |
124412.4 | '#,###0.000,,"M"' | 0.124M |
157698 | '#,###0.000,,"M"' | 0.158M |
Additional options for Full Syntax Number Format
To use these options, specify your Number Format in Full Syntax form.
This option allows you to select a custom separator for your integer values.
format: FullNumberFormat {
pattern: "#,###"
groupSeparator: ","
- By default, the group separator for integer values is a comma
. To opt for another separator, add this option in your format field. - Selectable separators include:
: comma separator (default)" "
: space separator"."
: dot separator Example:
Raw Value | Number Pattern | Displayed as |
543213 | groupSeparator: “ “ | 534 213 |
12345,1 | groupSeparator: “,“ | 12,345.1 |
This option allows you to select a custom separator for your decimal values.
format: FullNumberFormat {
pattern: "0.00"
decimalSeparator: "."
- By default, the group separator for decimal values is a dot
. To opt for another separator, add this option in your format field. - Selectable separators include:
: dot separator (default)","
: comma separator
Raw Value | Number Pattern | Displayed as |
54,123 | decimalSeparator: “.“ | 54.123 |