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Canvas Dashboard Workspace

The Canvas Dashboard workspace is where you develop your canvas dashboard. It supports seamless transition between code and visual editing. It combines the familiar drag-and-drop experience of the visual editor with the ability to programmatically create dashboards in the code editor.

  1. Edit modes: toggle between Code, Dual, and Visual editor
  2. Code editor: view and edit your dashboard in code. Click Update to view changes in Visual editor
  3. Visual editor: view and edit your dashboard in GUI. Changes automatically updates dashboard code
  4. Toolbar: add analytics blocks to enrich your Canvas Dashboard. You can drag the toolbar around the visual editor
  5. Settings: view and edit dashboard settings such as Cache, Time zone, and more
  6. Interactive controls: view all applied interactive controls (filters, cross-filters, period comparisons, and date drills). You can click Reset to get back to dashboard defaut state
  7. Other settings: view other dashboard settings such
  8. View and Zoom controls: configure grids and zoom levels.
  9. Block’s context menu: When hover on a block, a context menu appears on the top left corner of that block. It contains settings and operations relating to the selected block.

Working with Analytics Blocks

Add Blocks from Toolbar

In the Visual Editor, you can add analytics blocks to Canvas Dashboard using Toolbar.

Alternatively, you can also add new blocks by duplicating existing ones. Simply click on a block’s context menu > More > Duplicate

Move and Arrange Blocks

Blocks can be arranged freely on your canvas. By default, blocks are snapped to grid but you can change this in View options found at the bottom right of your workspace.

In addition, blocks can be stacked on each other. You can control the order of blocks by click on a block’s context menu > More > Arrange

View Block Code

To view the code definition of a block, simply click on a block’s context menu > More > Show in Code editor. The code editor automatically expands with the block’s code highlighted for convenient reference.

Customize Blocks Display Preferences

To customize the title, description, and display of a block, click on More > Block Preferences. You have the options to:

  • Hide title and description
  • Hide block’s action menu: This hides subsequent features of the block in View Mode, including Explore data, Data Alerts, Expand block, and more.

Delete Blocks

To delete blocks from your canvas, click on a block’s context menu > More > Delete or use Del as keyboard shortcut.

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