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๐Ÿค– Drop unused jobs, automatically

At 9 a.m., one of your marketing executives opens Holistics for their daily data browsing.

They spot some new marketing dashboards. Excited to see whatโ€™s what, they open them all. They then get caught up in urgent marketing tasks, so before they can do any insight digging, they turn back, and exit.

Unbeknownst to them, the job triggered during their initial visit keeps running in the background, hogging a Job Worker, and blocking it from being used for more pressing reports.

To solve this, we proudly introduce ๐Ÿค– Auto Cancellation for Unused Jobs.

This feature allows you to set a timeout (e.g. 3 seconds), and any lingering job gets axed, automatically, freeing the Job Worker for other important tasks!

How do you see this feature being useful to your team? If you have any feedback or suggestions for us, please share them here. Weโ€™re all ears!