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🚇 Dynamic Models (Query Parameters) open for Beta

Holistics is currently working on a significant improvement to our Modeling layer called Dynamic Models (feature request). This feature allows analysts to define reports that can take user inputs, and inject them directly into a model/report definition.

This feature is currently under development and is expected to be released in beta end of Q2 2023. Once released, it will only be available in Holistics 4.0.

How it works:

  • A new concept is introduced, called “dynamic model” — a data model that can take in parameters and will only be resolved in real-time.
  • Analysts can create reports from dynamic models
  • When a dynamic model is used in a report, end users can input values that feed directly into the model’s parameters

One of our latest developments is Date Parameter which will be available in our upcoming beta release. To create a Date Param and use it in the SQL definition of a Query Model, you just need 02 steps:

  1. Define the Date Param
param created_at_param {
label: 'Created At Param'
type: 'datetime'
  1. Use the Date Param in your SQL definition
FROM ...
WHERE {%filter(created_at_param) %} date_column {%end %}

That’s it. And it’ll look like this in action. (You can also watch the video version here).

Learn more here: Upcoming Launch: Dynamic Models (aka Query Parameters)