Development Mode, Production Mode and Deployment (Publication)
In Holistics, Development Mode and Production Modes are two views of your analytics code base that you can toggle in the Development page.
Development Mode
In Holistics, Development Mode serves as a sandbox environment for analysts and developers to iterate and refine their data models and datasets. In this mode, you can make modifications and improvements without affecting the Production environment until you push the changes to Production.
If you decide to integrate your project with a third-party Git hosting service such as GitHub or GitLab, you can work on your isolated branch in Development Mode without affecting other team members' work. This allows for seamless collaboration and development of the project.
Production Mode
In Production Mode, you have access to the finalized version of your data models and datasets that are ready for end-users to explore and build reports. It's important to note that Production Mode is read-only, meaning you cannot make any changes to project files in this mode. This ensures that any changes made to your project are properly tested and verified before they are released to your end-users.
Publishing to Production (Go Live)
When you are happy with your changes in your development branch, click Publish on top top right corner of the page to bring your changes to the end-user.
Changes published to Production (master branch) are automatically applied to the Reports, Dashboards (in Reporting tab).
Some notes about Holistics publication:
- If you do not integrate your project with any 3rd-party git hosting service (GitHub, GitLab,...), other people who publish around the same time as you might not keep their changes. In other words, the last person to publish wins.