Query Timeout
Sometimes your query takes too much time and resource. With this setting, you can set up a timeout limit to abort any query that runs for more than a specified number of milliseconds.
Open the data source setting and enter the limit time in milliseconds:

How It Works
When your query reaches the timeout limit, an error will be raised:
- AWS Athena:
Query <query_id> exceeded the query timeout of <timeout_value>ms
- BigQuery:
execution expired
- ClickHouse:
Code: 159. DB::Exception: Timeout exceeded
- Databricks:
Error from server: error code: '0' error message: 'Statement has timed out after <timeout_value> seconds
- Microsoft SQL Server:
Adaptive Server connection timed out
- MySQL:
ERROR: Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceeded
- PostgreSQL:
ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
- RedShift:
ERROR: Query canceled on user's request
- Snowflake:
Error when executing SQL: (snowflake-sdk code: 000630) Statement reached its statement or warehouse timeout of <timeout_value> second(s) and was canceled.
Other timeout settings on your database server and database user may also raise the above errors. Thus, if you are debugging these errors, make sure to check the settings on both Holistics and on your database.
Currently, this feature is available for
- AWS Athena
- BigQuery
- ClickHouse
- Databricks
- Microsoft SQL Server
- MySQL (5.7.8 and above)
- PostgreSQL
- RedShift
- Snowflake