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What view access options or sharing options are available in Holistics?

There are 4 ways you can grant read access to your reports with Holistics, each with its own applications and pricing methods. You can consider what mix of methods would work best for your team.

1. Viewer Users

  • You can invite members of the organization into Holistics as viewers or explorers.
    • Viewers and Explorers are paid user positions and have view access to the reports and dashboards that are specifically shared with them without any editing access,
    • Explorers can explore the data that is shared with them and create personal private dashboards.
    • ✍️ Please refer to this doc for a list of the different permissions across user types.
  • Additional benefits to this approach are that you can use user attributes and groups as well as row-level permissions to automatically apply permissions and share dashboards at scale.
  • Shareable Links allow you to share dashboard access to external users with strict access control measures in place so that they only see the data specifically prepared for them.
  • You don't need a Holistics account to access the dashboard.
  • With Shareable Links, you can restrict the data (by particular conditions) for each link shared and set password protection for each link.

3. Export options

  • You can schedule dashboards to be exported outside of the Holistics platform via email (with a range of attachment file types), Slack, and Google Sheets.
  • These will be snapshots at the scheduled time of the report using the freshest data available.

4. Embedded Dashboards

  • If you have a web application that your users can log into, you can consider embedding Holistics reports into it. It will allow your members to view dashboards and have permissions automatically applied to them based on how your engineers define their viewing rights. They will also not need paid users to log into Holistics.
  • Embedded dashboards do not cost additional objects. However, you will have to enable embed workers to allow embedded dashboards to function. These workers will handle all the operations required by your embedded dashboards and are shared across all active embedded dashboards.
  • You must have a minimum of 3 workers in order to use embedded dashboards. You can increase the number of embed workers as the usage scaled and you find that embed dashboard job queues are being clogged with too many simultaneous logins.

For pricing, please refer to your in-app billing for more information.

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