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Themes in Canvas Dashboard


Themes are available in the Canvas Dashboard. Canvas Dashboard is now generally available to customers using Holistics 4.0.


Themes in Canvas Dashboard allow greater control over the styling and visual appearance of your dashboards. This feature lets you customize a wide range of elements, including:

  • Typography: Modify the font family, font size of text and data labels
  • Colors: Customize the color of dashboard backgrounds, borders, and other elements
  • Canvas & block styling: Add paddings, shadows, or even use custom images as backgrounds

With Themes, you can easily create visually appealing dashboards, align your dashboard's color scheme with your branding, and even design dark-themed dashboards.

How it works

Themes provide an additional layer of styling and customization to your Canvas Dashboard. In the Themes menu, you can choose from Built-in Themes or create and apply your own Custom Themes.

Create your Custom Themes

In the dashboard code definition, themes are specified using the theme parameter at different levels to provide more granular customization.

  • Page Theme: Properties that apply to the entire canvas dashboard page
  • Block Theme: Properties that apply to individual blocks, overriding the Page Theme settings

Step-by-step Guide

To create a reusable custom theme, simply follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Declare a reusable variable for the PageTheme using AML Constant.
  • Step 2: Apply the Custom Theme from the Themes menu; or call the variable at the dashboard's theme parameter.
Best Practice

While reusable themes can be declared anywhere in your project, we recommend organizing them in a separate file (e.g. themes.aml) for better management.

PageTheme classic_blue {
background {
bg_color: "#FFFFFF"
bg_repeat: false
bg_size: "cover"
// bg_image:
canvas {
border {
border_radius: 4
border_width: 1
border_color: "#4896EA"
border_style: "solid"
background {
bg_color: "#D1E5FA"
bg_repeat: false
bg_size: "cover"
// bg_image:
shadow: "none"
opacity: 1
block {
label {
font_family: "Inter"
font_size: 14
font_color: "#1357A0"
font_weight: "medium"
font_style: "normal"
text {
font_family: "Inter"
font_size: 12
font_color: "#1357A0"
font_weight: "normal"
font_style: "normal"
border {
border_width: 1
border_radius: 8
border_color: "#4896EA"
border_style: "solid"
background {
bg_color: "#E8F2FD"
bg_repeat: false
bg_size: "cover"
// bg_image:
padding: 12
shadow: "none"
opacity: 1

The Result


Add themes for a specific block using BlockTheme

For cases where you want to style a specific block quickly or override the global dashboard theme for a block, you can then directly define the theme inside a block:

Dashboard ecommerce_dashboard {
block text_block: TextBlock {
theme: BlockTheme {
background {
bg_color: 'transparent'

Reusing themes with AML Reusability

You can use AML Reusability features to make it easier to modify and reuse themes. For examples:

Make it easier to change color and font family without worrying about consistency

const classic_blue_border_color = "#4896EA"
const classic_blue_font_color = "#1357A0"
const classic_blue_font_family = "Inter"

PageTheme classic_blue {
// other properties omitted...
canvas {
border {
// other properties omitted...
border_color: classic_blue_border_color
block {
// other properties omitted...
label {
// other properties omitted...
font_family: classic_blue_font_family
text {
// other properties omitted...
font_family: classic_blue_font_family
border {
// other properties omitted...
border_color: classic_blue_border_color

Use AML Dict to avoid polluting project namespace

// Instead of separate constant for each variable
// const classic_blue_border_color = "#4896EA"
// const classic_blue_font_color = "#1357A0"
// const classic_blue_font_family = "Inter"

// You can use an AML Dict instead
const classic_blue_vars = {
border_color: "#4896EA"
font_color: "#1357A0"
font_family: "Inter"
// then use it like this
PageTheme classic_blue {
// other properties omitted...
canvas {
border {
// other properties omitted...
border_color: classic_blue_vars("border_color")

Syntax Reference


Hover over PageTheme or BlockTheme in the code editor to see suggestions for available parameters.

ParameterEffects on DashboardAccepted Values
Page Theme
background.bg_colorSet the background color for the pageAny valid CSS <color> values
e.g. "rebeccapurple", "#ff0099", "rgb(255 0 153)"
background.bg_imageSet the background image for the pageAny valid CSS <image> values
e.g. "", "linear-gradient(blue, red)"
background.bg_repeatDetermine how the background image repeatsfalse, true, "x", "y", "space", "round"
background.bg_sizeDetermine how the background image is sized"cover", "contain"
canvas.border.border_widthSet the width of the canvas borderNumber, String, or DetailedSpacing
canvas.border.border_radiusSet the roundness of the canvas cornersNumber, String, or DetailedRadius
canvas.border.border_colorSet the color of the canvas borderAny valid CSS <color> values
e.g. "rebeccapurple", "#ff0099", "rgb(255 0 153)"
canvas.border.border_styleSet the style of the canvas border"none", "solid", "dotted", "dashed", "inset", "outset", "ridge", "groove", "double"
canvas.background.bg_colorSet the background color of the canvasAny valid CSS <color> values
e.g. "rebeccapurple", "#ff0099", "rgb(255 0 153)"
canvas.background.bg_imageSet the background image of the canvasAny valid CSS <image> values
e.g. "", "linear-gradient(blue, red)"
canvas.background.bg_repeatDetermine how the background image repeatsfalse, true, "x", "y", "space", "round"
canvas.background.bg_sizeDetermine how the background image is sized"cover", "contain"
canvas.shadowSets the shadow effect of the canvas"none", "sm", "md", "lg"
canvas.opacitySet the opacity of the canvasNumber between 0 and 1
Block Theme
block.label.font_familySet the font family for block labels/titlesWeb-safe fonts or Custom fonts. Learn more
e.g. "Inter", "Arial, sans-serif", "serif"
block.label.font_sizeSet the font size for block labels/titlesAny valid CSS <length> values
e.g. 14, "14px", "2em"
block.label.font_colorSet the font color for block labels/titlesAny valid CSS <color> values
e.g. "rebeccapurple", "#ff0099", "rgb(255 0 153)"
block.label.font_weightSet the font weight for block labels/titles"light", "normal", "medium", "semibold", "bold", "extrabold"
block.label.font_styleSet the font style for block labels/titles"normal", "italic"
block.text.font_familySet the font family for block text contentWeb-safe fonts or Custom fonts. Learn more
e.g. "Inter", "Arial, sans-serif", "serif"
block.text.font_sizeSet the font size for block text contentAny valid CSS <length> values
e.g. 14, "14px", "2em"
block.text.font_colorSet the font color for block text contentAny valid CSS <color> values
e.g. "rebeccapurple", "#ff0099", "rgb(255 0 153)"
block.text.font_weightSet the font weight for block text content"light", "normal", "medium", "semibold", "bold", "extrabold"
block.text.font_styleSet the font style for block text content"normal", "italic"
block.border.border_widthSet the width of block bordersNumber, String, or DetailedSpacing
block.border.border_radiusSet the roundness of block cornersNumber, String, or DetailedRadius
block.border.border_colorSet the color of block bordersAny valid CSS <color> values
e.g. "rebeccapurple", "#ff0099", "rgb(255 0 153)"
block.border.border_styleSet the style of block borders"none", "solid", "dotted", "dashed", "inset", "outset", "ridge", "groove", "double"
block.background.bg_colorSet the background color of blocksAny valid CSS <color> values
e.g. "rebeccapurple", "#ff0099", "rgb(255 0 153)"
block.background.bg_imageSet the background image of blocksAny valid CSS <image> values
e.g. "", "linear-gradient(blue, red)"
block.background.bg_repeatDetermine how the background image repeatsfalse, true, "x", "y", "space", "round"
block.background.bg_sizeDetermine how the background image is sized"cover", "contain"
block.paddingSet the internal padding of blocksNumber, String, or DetailedSpacing
block.shadowSet the shadow effect of blocks"none", "sm", "md", "lg"
block.opacitySet the opacity of blocksNumber between 0 and 1


Used for specifying different spacing values for each side of an element.

topSpacing for the top sideNumber or String
leftSpacing for the left sideNumber or String
bottomSpacing for the bottom sideNumber or String
rightSpacing for the right sideNumber or String


top: 10,
left: "5px",
bottom: 10,
right: "5px"


Used for specifying different border-radius values for each corner of an element.

top_leftRadius for the top-left cornerNumber or String
top_rightRadius for the top-right cornerNumber or String
bottom_leftRadius for the bottom-left cornerNumber or String
bottom_rightRadius for the bottom-right cornerNumber or String


top_left: 5,
top_right: "10px",
bottom_left: 5,
bottom_right: "10px"

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