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Migrating Looker Measures to Holistics


Looker measures and Holistics measures serve similar purposes but have some key differences in syntax and capabilities:

Measure Comparison

  1. Definition Approaches

    • Looker uses only SQL definitions
    • Holistics supports both SQL and AQL definitions
  2. Measure Types

    • Looker has three measure type categories:
      • Aggregate: average, count, count_distinct, list, percentile, percentile_distinct, sum
      • Non-aggregate: string, number, date, yesno
      • Post-SQL: percent_of_total, running_total, percent_of_previous
    • Holistics uses a unified measure type with flexible definitions (text, number, date, datetime, truefalse, json)

Step-by-Step Migration

Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

  1. Open your Looker view file containing the measures
  2. Create a new Holistics model file
  3. Have the type mapping reference ready

Step 2: Migrate Measures

Basic Aggregations
// Looker
view: view_name {
dimension: sale_amount {}

measure: total_sales {
type: sum
sql: ${sale_amount} ;;


// Holistics - SQL Definition
Model model_name {
dimension sale_amount {}

measure total_sales {
type: 'number'
definition: @sql sum({{ sale_amount }});;


// Holistics - AQL Definition
Model model_name {
dimension sale_amount {}

measure total_sales {
type: 'number'
definition: @aql sum(model_name.sale_amount);;
Distinct Counts
// Looker
view: view_name {
dimension: customer_id {}

measure: unique_customers {
type: count_distinct
sql: ${customer_id} ;;

// Holistics
Model model_name {
dimension customer_id {}

measure unique_customers {
type: 'number'
definition: @aql count_distinct(model_name.customer_id);;
Conditional Aggregations
// Looker
view: view_name {
dimension: state {}

measure: customers_by_state {
type: count
filters: [state: "California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon"]

// Holistics
Model model_name {
dimension state {}

measure customers_by_state {
type: 'number'
definition: @aql
| where(model_name.state in ["California", "Nevada", "Washington", "Oregon"]);;
Running Totals
// Looker (post-query calculation)
view: view_name {
measure: sale_amount {}

measure: running_total {
type: running_total
sql: ${sale_amount} ;;

// Holistics (in-query calculation)
Model model_name {
measure sale_amount {}

measure running_total {
type: 'number'
definition: @aql running_total(model_name.sale_amount) ;;
Percent of Previous
// Looker (post-query calculation)
view: view_name {
measure: mrr {}

measure: count_growth {
type: percent_of_previous
sql: ${mrr} ;;

// Holistics (in-query calculation)
Model model_name {
dimension date {}
measure mrr {}

measure count_growth {
type: 'number'
definition: @aql
( model_name.mrr - previous(model_name.mrr, order: )
previous(model_name.mrr, order:
Percent of Total
// Looker (post-query calculation)
view: view_name {
measure: total_gross_margin {}

measure: percent_of_total_gross_margin {
type: percent_of_total
sql: ${total_gross_margin} ;;

// Holistics (in-query calculation)
Model model_name {
measure total_gross_margin {}

measure percent_of_total_gross_margin {
type: 'number'
definition: @aql
(model_name.total_gross_margin) * 1.0
(model_name.total_gross_margin | of_all(model_name))

Step 3: Test and Validate

  1. Check all measure types are correctly mapped
  2. Verify aggregations produce expected results
  3. Test measures in simple reports
  4. Compare results with original Looker measures

Reference Manual

Type Mapping

Looker TypeHolistics DefinitionNotes
sumsum()Direct mapping
averageaverage()Direct mapping
countcount()Direct mapping
count_distinctcount(distinct: true)Use AQL syntax
listunique()Returns array of values
percent_of_totalAQL expressionUse percent_of_total
running_totalAQL expressionUse running_total

Detailed Comparison

LookML ParameterPurposeSupportHolistics Equivalent & Implementation
Structural Parameters
measureCreates a measure fieldHolistics measure and metric
Action and Linking Parameters
actionCreates clickable actions on measure values✔️ (partial)Holistics Actions
Note: Holistics Actions can only be defined in Dashboard layer
drill_fieldsSpecifies fields to show when drilling into measure🛠️ (will support soon)Holistics Drill Down
tagsAdds text that can be passed to other applicationsNo direct equivalent
linkCreates links to other Looker content or external URLsCan be solved with Holistics Actions
Display Parameters
aliasCreates alternate names for backward compatibilityNo direct equivalent
descriptionAdds explanatory text for the measureUses description parameter
group_labelGroups measures together under a headingNo direct equivalent
group_item_labelSpecifies label for field under its group labelNo direct equivalent
hiddenControls visibility in the UIUses hidden parameter with true/false
labelChanges how the measure appears in the UIUses label parameter
order_by_fieldSorts measure by values of another fieldNo direct equivalent
view_labelChanges how measure's view appears in field pickerNo direct equivalent
Filter Parameters
can_filterLets you prohibit a measure from being used as a filterNo direct equivalent
filters (for measure)Restricts a measure's calculation based on dimension limitations.

Only with the following measure types that perform aggregation:
- count
- sum
- average
- count_distinct
Using AQL where function.

Unlike Looker, this function can work with all type of aggregate functions
Filter Suggestion Parameters
suggest_dimensionBases suggestions on values of different dimensionNo direct equivalent
suggest_exploreBases suggestions on values of different exploreNo direct equivalent
suggestableEnables or disables suggestions for a fieldNo direct equivalent
Query Parameters
convert_tzControls timezone conversionNo direct equivalent
datatypeSpecifies the type of time data you are providing to a field
required_access_grantsControls access based on user attributesNo direct equivalent in basic AMQL, but Holistics handles access control differently
required_fieldsRequires additional fields when this field is chosenNo direct equivalent
sql_distinct_keyDefines the unique entities over which a measure of type: sum_distinct or type: average_distinct will be calculatedCheck how Holistics handles Fanout issue
Value and Formatting Parameters
directionDetermines the direction that a measure of type: percent_of_total or type: running_total is calculated when pivots are usedHolistics supports native Percent of Total calculation
htmlModifies HTML output using Liquid templatingHolistics supports HTML Format
list_fieldDeclares the dimension from which a measure of type: list will be calculatedUsing AQL unique function
percentileSpecifies the fractional value (the Nth percentile) for a measure of type: percentile or type: percentile_distinctNot supported yet.
type (for measure)Specifies the type of measure

Measure type categories:
- Aggregate measures (average, count, sum, etc.)
- Non-aggregate measures (date, number, string, etc.)
- Post-SQL measures (Percent of Total, Running Total, etc.)
In Holistics, type for:

- Aggregate Meaasure is supported via SQL definition or AQL definition

- Non-aggregate measures are supported via type in measure/metric

- Post-SQL Measures are supported via AQL Expression (e.g., Percent of Total), but we will perform the calculation in the query, instead of after generating the query like Looker
value_formatFormats the output of a field using Excel style optionsHolistics supports Data Format
value_format_nameFormats the output of a field using a built-in or custom formatNot supported custom format yet.

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