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Reusable Components in Canvas Dashboard


With Canvas Dashboard, you can define reusable visuals and components within the dashboard. This doc goes through a simple example to demonstrate the reusability capability.

The Setup

Let’s say you have a dashboard with the following syntax:

Dashboard {
// metadata
title: 'My Canvas Dashboard'
description: 'My new canvas dashboard'

// collection of blocks
block t1: TextBlock {
content: @md
Hello world

block f1: FilterBlock {
type: 'field'
label: 'User role'
source: FieldFilterSource {
dataset: 'tenant_user'
field: ref('public_users', 'role')

block v1: VizBlock {
label: 'A pie chart'
viz: PieChart {
dataset: 'tenant_user'
legend: ref('public_users', 'role')
series {
field {
ref: ref('public_users', 'id')
aggregation: 'sum'

// layout
view: CanvasLayout {
width: 1200
height: 1200
margin: 10
block f1 {
position: pos(600, 0, 300, 70)
block v1 {
position: pos(0, 70, 600, 600)

Reusing Block and Filters

You can reuse block and filter like so:

const myviz = VizBlock {
label: 'A pie chart'
viz: PieChart {
dataset: 'tenant_user'
legend: ref('public_users', 'role')
series {
field {
ref: ref('public_users', 'id')
aggregation: 'sum'

const myfilter = FilterBlock {
type: 'field'
label: 'User role'
source: FieldFilterSource {
dataset: 'tenant_user'
field: ref('public_users', 'role')

Then you can create a new dashboard

Dashboard {
title: 'My reused Dashboard'
block f1: myfilter
block v1: myviz

Parameterizing components

You can also use Func to parameterize your component, like so:

Func myvizBlockWithDataset(dataset: String) {
VizBlock {
label: 'A pie chart'
viz: PieChart {
dataset: dataset
legend: ref('public_users', 'role')
series {
field {
ref: ref('public_users', 'id')
aggregation: 'sum'

and use it like this

Dashboard {
block viz1: myvizBLockWithDataset('tenant_user')

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