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Build a Dashboard with Multiple Similar Charts


Let’s say you need to build a dashboard with 5 pie charts with the following requirements:

  • Country-specific pie charts. The charts are all pie charts. Each chart shows data grouped by a specific country.
  • Horizontally aligned pie charts. Charts must be arranged horizontally in a row.
  • Different pie charts use different metrics. Some charts should display the number of total orders, other charts display the number of total orders received.

Dashboard with 5 pie charts

This documentation will show you how to build this dashboard in a reusable and maintainable way.

Build a chart once and use it everywhere

Requirements: Country-specific pie charts are pie charts. Each chart shows data grouped by a specific country.

If you duplicate code for each chart, you'd have to update all duplicated code when there are changes. Instead, a more reusable way is to define a pie chart once and use it everywhere. You can use AML Function to parameterize a pie chart to accept a country parameter.

// Define a function that takes in a string parameter `country`
Func get_order_pie_chart(country: String) {
VizBlock {
// Use `country` variable in the viz label
label: '# of Orders in ${country}'
viz: PieChart {
filter {
field: ref('ecommerce_countries', 'name')
operator: 'is'
// Use `country` variable in the viz filter
value: '${country}'
// ...

Dashboard demo_func_ecommerce {
title: 'Ecommerce dashboard'
block v9: get_order_pie('Vietnam')
// Other charts that use different country
block v10: get_order_pie('Germany')
block v11: get_order_pie('France')
block v12: get_order_pie('India')
block v13: get_order_pie('Singapore')
// ...

Auto-arrange charts horizontally

Requirements: Charts must be arranged horizontally in a row.

If you drag and drop charts manually, you'd spend quite some time obsessing over pixels to make sure they're perfectly aligned. A more automatic way is to calculate the arrangement automatically. You can use a combination of AML Constant and AML Function to compute positions given some parameters such as width, height, padding, the number of charts.

// Define the width and height of your Canvas Dashboard
const width = 2000
const height = 1000

// y-coordinate of our pie charts
const heightPos = 150

const heightPie = 400
// Declare the number of pie charts to automatically calculate the width of each chart
const numOfPie = 5
const widthPie = (width - padding * numOfPie) / numOfPie

// Define the margin for each pie chart
const margin = 50
const padding = 50

// Define a function to calculate the positions for each visualization block based on their indices and information defined above
Func get_pos(index: Number) {
margin + widthPie * index + padding,

// Other code ...

Dashboard demo_func_ecommerce {
title: 'Ecommerce dashboard'
view: CanvasLayout {
label: 'View'
// Use variables instead of hard-coded sizes
width: width
height: height
// Call the same function with different indexes to automagically calculate the right positions
block v9 { position: get_pos(0)}
block v10 { position: get_pos(1)}
block v11 { position: get_pos(2)}
block v12 { position: get_pos(3)}
block v13 { position: get_pos(4)}

block v9: get_order_pie('Vietnam')
block v10: get_order_pie('Germany')
block v11: get_order_pie('France')
block v12: get_order_pie('India')
block v13: get_order_pie('Singapore')

// Other code ...

You can change the variables to change the arrangement of charts automatically.

Reuse a visualization block with different metrics

Requirements:. Some charts should display the number of total orders, other charts display the number of total orders received.

You can refactor the AML Function that produces a pie chart to accept another parameter that represents the data that the chart will use.

const total_orders_count = ref('ecommerce_orders', 'total_orders_count')
const total_orders_delivered_count = ref('ecommerce_orders', 'delivered_orders_count')

// This function is refactored to take in more parameters
Func get_order_pie(metric: FieldRef, country: String) {
VizBlock {
label: '# of Orders in ${country}'
viz: PieChart {
series {
field {
label: ' '
// Use the variable here instead of hard-coding
ref: metric
// Other code ...

Dashboard demo_func_ecommerce {
title: 'eCommerce func demo'
// Call the function multiple times and pass different metrics as needed
block v9: get_order_pie(total_orders_delivered_count, 'Vietnam')
block v10: get_order_pie(total_orders_count, 'Germany')
block v11: get_order_pie(total_orders_delivered_count, 'France')
block v12: get_order_pie(total_orders_count, 'India')
block v13: get_order_pie(total_orders_delivered_count, 'Singapore'
// ...

If your charts use AQL expressions for custom calculations, you can still reuse those as followed:

Func kpiWidget(fieldRef: FieldRef, offset: Number) {
VizBlock {
label: 'KPI '
viz: MetricKpi {
dataset: aql_dataset
// ...
calculation calc {
label: 'Value'
formula: @aql ${fieldRef.model}.${fieldRef.field}
| relative_period(orders.created_at, interval(-${offset} month)) ;;
calc_type: 'measure'
data_type: 'number'

Dashboard demo_func_ecommerce {
block v9: kpiWidget(ref('ecommerce_orders', 'total_orders_count'), 2)
block v10: kpiWidget(ref('ecommerce_users', 'total_users_count'), 2)
block v11: kpiWidget(ref('ecommerce_revenue', 'total_revenue'), 2)

// Other code ...

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