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Add Filters to Dashboard

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A static dashboard may be good for a quick overview of the matter, but it is not useful enough if your viewers cannot interact with it to explore the data themselves. Let's add some filters to help them do that!

In Holistics, there are two filter categories: Field Filters, and Manual Filters (Text, Number, Date, True/False).

  • Field Filter works in a streamlined way: it gets filter values from a field in a Dataset, on the data type of that field, and automatically map to widgets using that Dataset.

  • On the other hand, with Manual Filter, we specify the filter data type manually, and have to manually map it to the desired widgets.

Field Filters or Manual Filters?

Field Filter works best when your dashboard has multiple widgets created from the same Dataset, while Manual Filter suits the situation when you have widgets coming from different Datasets.

Without further ado, let's try adding a Release Date filter to our dashboard!

  1. From the dashboard page click Add → Add Filter.

    The Add Filter modal will appear with Field Filter Type pre-selected.

  2. Cllick on the Field area, and select Movies Analysis Dataset to use fields in this dataset as a filter.

  3. The field Release Date is in the Metadata model, so we will select that.

  4. Click OK, and you will see the filter being mapped to all the widgets in the dashboard since they are all created from the Movies Analysis dataset.

    Enter the Filter Label, and select "Last 20 Years" as the default filter condition.

  5. Click Submit to finish. Since we have a default filter condition, the dashboard will be refreshed to show the filtered result.

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